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Thursday, June 30, 2011

zaman kesakitan??

sem ni ya Allah memang sangat la seksa....macam2 dugaan yang menimpa aku...masalah aku start akhir minggu lepas...first masalah kawan2 yang berpecah belah..masing2 dah bwak haluan masing2....yang tinggal ngan aku skunk hanyalah Cik Ct Naquyah...aku memang banyak terhutang budi ngan Ct sebab dia sentiasa ada di sisi aku time susah n senang...then masalah subject lak...(macam mana la aku leyh lalai aku x g letak group lam subject account???? kan skunk aku da merana account pown xleyh pown xleyh amik(sebab dah drop semata mata nk add account..almaklumlah aku kan kene repeat account!! )..sakit kepala pk~~) lepas tu tarikh keramat aku!!! --> aku kene saman !!! huhu aku ingat lagi malam tu tarikh 28/6/2011...aku kene saman sebab xdak lesen...ngaa...tapi nasib baik dia x sita moto law x apalah aku nak jawab kat kawan aku tu...adoi.... :( then masalah aku lagi bertambah lepas beg duit aku lak hilag pada hari yang aku nak balik langkawi...dalam masa seminggu benda ni jadi kat aku...memang sanagt lah tekanan jiwa...tapi aku hanya boleh bersabar je la...Aku taw dugaan ni ada hikmah....tapi dalam banyak2 masalah aku...masalah kewangan la paling banyak menyumbang kesakitan kat otak aku ni ha....adoi...peant , pening n sangat tertekan taw x sem ni???? huhu..tapi xpew..asalkan kuarga aku ,kawan baik aku n Ct ada kat sisi aku..aku tabah menghadapi dugaan ni....insya'allah...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fill with sadness

it seems the end of this month are end of everything...
well i cant do nothing right???
but the truth i'm just sit here and do nothing...
i donno what to do actually..things that happen around me are really confusing me..
and it really give me a headache....
i cant accept that both of my loyal roomates are gonna separate with me after we have been 
living together since the day we entered the college...
sheeesh....i donno what to say..
my heart is full with sadness...or should i say full of sorrow...???
urgh..what am i talking about...
even if i tell u both not to go...u guys still are going...
well...nevermind....i have to endure this feeling i guess...
Goodluck to both of u....i hope u guys will live well nad happy..
and i'm really sorry along our relationship i've caused some
 chaos or something that made both of u angry with me....
hope u guys could forgive me....
i'm also sorry for all my bad behaviour(if i havesome)...
and sorry if i've been a bad friend and lastly...
i love u guys whatever u are..
hopefully we'll remain as friends till end...

People Nowadays

today it seems something really bother me....
i'm seriously feel so sad thinkin' that
 the people that i already think like family
 seems to have backstabbed me...
kinda mad actually but...what i can do now is just be quiet as i can...
i dont wanna burst out like i've done in old days...
i fed up being treated like this...
if there's anything wrong..why dont people just speak up straight forward??
why they should burst out what they dont satisfy with someone else??
cant they just be honest and try to slow talk with the person that they dont satisfy??
i really dont understand..
its hurt me damn much until i think...
i'll be a hypocrete infront of them just to make them feel asy...
but eventually inside of me are burning with unsatisfy feelin'...
people that i think they are closed to me..
are now obviously making me think that they are really fooling round with me...
haha..funny isn't it... wanna shut my mouth and act like a hypocrete..
its for the best...
its better than i burst out going totally mad...

                  by:  stupid idotic fooled person

Monday, June 13, 2011

Two Days Survey Langkawi With My group


hehehe....1st aktiviti kitowg time smpai langkawi ialah>>>>>>>>>>

best sangaat2..pegang kobau ni haa...1st time tengok dari jarak dekat..gila punya besaaaaaarr kowt kobau ni..tengok pown gerun..hehe..(ni budak langkawi yang perak ar ni..nama ja dok langkawi taip...tempat ni tak pernah pergi pown..haha)...
masa untuk sampai kat sini..erk..aku rase sekejap jeh..tapi disebabkan beberapa kali sesat before masuk aku pown lost dengan timing dia..huhu..(nama je dak langkawi tp boleh sesat hahaa cian dowg ni) ~sabo je la ek~

ni bergambar sebentar ngan leader group aku ni..huhu..almaklumlah...aku kan suka bergambar~ hehehe..(oit3...jangan kata dak ni pakwe aku lak~~ dia ni da adeh awex aww!! hehe..aku da oover ngan laki da..malas pk..hahak~~) (burst out jap~~)   :)

ni para group aku yang telah bersusah payah untuk men"survey"kan langkawi terchenta ni...hehe

penat taw x keje men"survey" ni~~~
letih gilerrr~~~    :)

from left:>>>  (WAN , ILA , PAH , KIRA )
hehehe ni lak keje aku bila sampai je kat pantai chenang...>>>
hehehe (comeyh tak aku main manja2 ngan air lak)

: p

 ni adalah salah sorang foreigner yang aku kacaw jap..semata mata nak tangkap gambar dengan dia..hehehe..tapi aku ade la tanya dia sket2..and yang aku taw dia ni from Australia...datang melancong kat langkawi and he said he found langkawi is very interesting place to go for holiday...(wahh!! bangganye aku bila dia puji langkawi terchenta) almaklumlah...aku orang langkawi kaann~~ hahaha
 ni pulak....
pasangan couple yang aku kacaw..hehe(busybody kan aku ni?? nampak sangat suka wat muka tak malu) hehe...
cute couple...pasangan ni datang for holiday gak..the sweet lady are from Russia and the gentleman there are from Istanbul....soo sweet kan dorang ni??
hehehe sukanye aku main tangkap2 gambar ngan owang putih ye?? hahaha...

gambar yang kat bawh ni pown sama...this gentleman lak...cewaahh bahasa dah memang bercampur dah haaaa...laki ni lak datang dari LONDON..!! wahhhh bestnyee!!and yang menariknya pasal laki ni ialah..
dalam dok holiday..dia sempat lagi baca buku kat tepi pantai ni...MEMANG TABIK SPRINGG arh!!
kalau owang melayu kita..hmm..ade ke nak baca time ngah holiday ni?? tarak punye..berani kerat jari arh!! wonder la skarang ni government menggalakkan kita membaca..
nak taw sebab ape?? sebab negara orang putih dah capai tahap standard..sbb dorang ni always baca buku x kira dimana jua..owang melayu kita?? adeyh..sehari nk bukak buku pown malas..
(xcakap pown sume tp..overall memang macam tu kan)..tapi pape pown kita kene majukan diri kita ye wahai orang MELAYU nanti kita leyh mencapai standard yang sama ngan orang putih ni~~   : p

haahaha...nampak tak budak yang dok tengah2 tu??? mesti nampakkan....hurm..dak ni nampak macam tourist yang sangat perak kan?? hehehe tapi pape pown dia ni comeyh...miahaha
(puji diri sendiri sebentar..hahaha)

well as u can see..sekarang aku adeh kat CABLE CAR....!! wahhhh..
excitednyaaa!! tengok pemandangan yang indah belaka ni....heheheh...(excited je lebih tapi bukannya pergi naik pown...stay round2 bawah je pown..)  :)

nak join?? jom arh..hehee

ni lak sesi bagi makan kat rusa....hehe comeyh kannn...?????

actually aku takut nak bagi makan kat rusa ni first2 tu..tapi atas pertolongan mr. wan ...haha aku boleyh bagi rusa ni makan..(aku tgk dia okeyh je bagi makan kat rusa guna tangan..aku pown jadi berani la...)

lokasi>>>>sebelah kaunter tiket cable carr....
from left:>>(wan,kira,aku)
hehehe.....ada nampak macam kanak2 riang rak?????

last place yang kitorang pergi before balik alor setar balik>>>>
PANTAI LAGIII~~~  (kat tepi taman lagenda)
hehe xleyh nak wat pape la..dah sume nak pantai here we arempantai again tapi different plaes...hehe

ni aku ngan si cik ila lala bela..huhu time ni sume dak2 group aku melayan jiwa kacaw masing2...almaklumlah...masing2 ada masalah sume happy la ngan journey ni..agak puas aty..hehehe..and yang penting kerja pown selesai...survey pown dah abes..juz tinggal nak susun aturcara journey and a bit here and there pastu dah settle la...tinggal tunggu the day of the journey je laa..hehehe...

the end of the journey...miahahahax

The most Torture month of All

Oh my..i am so pissed off right now..
wanna know why????
my lappy just get infected by virus..
too many virus..and its 'TROJAN'....
dang! i really hate when this kinda things happen right now..
i have a lots of work to get on with and it is really important!!!
why..why??? whyy?? 
oh Whyy it have to happen right now!!!
plus with my own financial problem....
i really feel shame with my friends coz they always treat me...
when i dont want they help me..
they said "what are friends for? friends are not when we were happy only..friends also are always there when we are happy nor sad.."
it really touch me when they said like that..huhu..
but trully this month is the most torture month of all..
because off too many things happen without my wants and problem that i have(the unstoppable problem since my 1st sem)..
but now things are getting worst!!
i am kinda gettin sick already but because of some support that people around gave me...
i am still able to stand eventhough it is really hard..
why does my PTPTN have problem right now..why it have to be late at this time of situation that i have???
is it the PTPTN that have problem or its just my college that create this problem for us students??
why does all the UITM and college students besides KPTM alor star dont have any problems in receiving their PTPTN??
why is it only KPTM alor star that have problem in MARA and PTPTN loan???

but really..i do not understand whether the college are the wrong party or is it the PTPTN the wrong side..grr....i am really suffering right now..with my mind could not think normally with this kind of situation...arh..i better get out time i'll write more k..goodbye for now.... Chiow~~~

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Time sure running fast

hye ya guys...huhu jmpe agy..
ngee...this time i wanna talk about my schedule are so padat...
n i dont think this sem i have time to foolin around anymore..
since the time are really running so fast...
so i better treasure it as good as possible..huhu..
my schedule are full with assignment , presentation , researching and so on...
if i just think about it..
how come i'll get through all that stuff in a short period??
Oh my gosh....seriously speaking..i really felt so tired if i think all of it...
macam sesak nafas pown ada..but what i can do..i am a student must do whatever they have to do to gain marks so that for the final exam..the carry marks would be high...
hurm..well thats all i think i wanna share with u guys...  :)

Trip Planning

well i'm pretty excited with the whole trip planning..
since i got trip assignment at my own place..
so it seems to be my group advantage to do well..
so..this trip we're gonna do it on 15hb to 16 hb of JULy..
this THURSDAY some part of my group will be joining me in  
doing some survey places and accomodation 
and all stuff at langkawi  ....
there are 2 guys and a gurl...
so we must done all the works quickly before
our trips date..
i know some people on my group does'nt like how i work..
maybe because of my exciting of doing things and want to cut cost..they might feel really offended with my attitude..
hurm..sorry u guys...but i'm really sure..i'm gonna divide the people's work u all would not fell any offended with the works in our group...
i really hope that we can work as a team..if there are things that u guys does'nt really like..u can tell me straight to my faces..and hopefully no one talkin on my back..cuz it could get uglier when i get mad...but long as i did'nt hear u talkin bad about me..i'll just assume u guys could get along and will work hard to achieve our mission..hewhehe  :)

Wahyu Terakhir Nabi Muhammad

kalaw korang nak taw tentang tajuk ni..korang g ar kat link kat bawah ni..gerenti korang terkejut bila baca article ni sampai abes...aku pown baca suku pown da jadi biol...susah nak trima ngan apa yang writer tu tulis..xnak percaya susah sebab..dari cerita dia..aku ase cam betol je...tapi serious arh..memang blurr n sakit kepala bila baca..tapi korang kena baca article ni..demi ALLAH..kalau korang nak taw pasal Nabi kita n tentang bangsa yahudi dan tentang dunia kita sekarang dan imam mahdi..semua la senang citer...better korang baca la dengan sendiri untuk tahu lebih tentang pekara ni...
<a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="Dinar-Emas.COM" src="" /></a>

Friday, June 3, 2011


ngee...this end of the month trip untuk sem ni dah mula...
first trip kat KEDAH..25/6/11...cant wait for the day comes.. :)
hehe and the best part is..
yang handle this tour guiding kat kedah is my loveable CIK CT..
hehehe...xsabarnya.... :)
one whole day to explore our dear KEDAH's history..
wohooaaa..seriously cant wait! 
then our next trip will be held at PENANG.....the pulau mutiara...
we'll gonna go revealed the places history...
and this PENANG trip gonna held for two days..wahhh..
how exciting it would be huh?  :)
well i really hope that all the trips we're goin will be goin smoothly..
last and not least...the last trip will be held at my dear LANGKAWI on 15 and 16/7/11..
and u all know what?? my group that will gonna handle this trip...ngee...cant wait!!  i'm so all overdose excited..heheh..
and i really have so many plans that came up in my mind... really shows that i really want the times run fast huh??
oh my dear LANGKAWI...wait for me to reveal all the history..heheh  :')

                                                 doesnt it feel too much of overdose??
haha..i cant help it...i am all over too excited and deep nervous waitin' for that day to come...  :)

bergambar kat lam bus..ngee law igt2 balik..tym ni aku ngah sedayh kowt..tu mata bengkak semacam..bru lepas nanges daa..huhu tp sempat lak amik gambar..sengal tol an!!??

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